Discuss, consider and act to approve corrected April 1, 2024 Joint Town Council and Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes (Town Secretary Dianna Buchanan)
STAFF: Town Secretary Dianna Buchanan
The April 1, 2024, Town Council and Planning & Zoning Commission Joint Meeting Minutes were audited by the Town Secretary for accuracy following a staff inquiry regarding Ordinance 994 which was approved at the same April 1, 2024 meeting.
On April 1, 2024, the Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) met in a joint meeting. Item E.5. on this meeting agenda was a proposed ordinance, “Conduct a public hearing and consider approving Ordinance 994 approving amendments to Ordinance 959 conditions, and approving a development plan for a portion of Lot 2R1, Block 1, Westlake/Southlake Park Addition Number One; and take appropriate action (Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director)”. This ordinance was conditionally approved by both the P&Z and the Town Council at the same meeting. Minutes for this meeting were prepared by former staff then approved by both P&Z and Town Council at later meetings. Fast forward many months later when Ordinance 994 was reviewed while preparing a different ordinance and current staff realized that the version of Ordinance 994 that was recorded as final in the Town’s permanent records did not reflect the correct conditions for approval as stated during the meeting. The minutes as prepared were reviewed and compared with the meeting video recording. The minutes have been corrected to reflect the correct conditions for approval as stated at the meeting. The corrected set of minutes are attached for consideration of Town Council approval.
Staff recommends approval of the corrected April 1, 2024 Town Council and Planning & Zoning Commission Joint Meeting Minutes as presented.
04.01.2024 Corrected Town Council and Planning & Zoning Commission Joint Meeting Minutes
1) Motion to approve
2) Motion to amend with the following stipulations (please state stipulations in motion)
3) Motion to table
4) Motion to deny