Discuss, consider and act regarding a Resolution to take appropriate action to amend Resolution 24-52 increasing the Westlake Academy's contribution towards the Westlake Academy Field Renovation project from five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to one million dollars ($1,000,000) and instruct the Town Manager to provide a Letter of Intent and a Purchase Order to Geo Surfaces to begin the project (Mayor Greaves)
STAFF: Mayor Kim Greaves
A group of donors have requested that improvements be made to the Westlake Academy football and soccer fields. Improvements include additions and improvements made to the drainage system, recrowning and adding new live turf, goal posts, soccer goals and irrigation improvements to the football field, and adding synthetic turf, goal posts and soccer goals to the soccer or multipurpose field. There will also be a new scoreboard installed.
Several donors, the Athletic Director and members of the Westlake Academy Foundation have expressed an interest in making drainage, lighting, and playing surface improvements on the Westlake Academy football and multipurpose fields. The grass playing surfaces are plagued with drainage issues that make the fields unusable for long periods of time after rainstorms. The multipurpose field gets a greater amount of use and therefore ware because it is used as a playground and other school activities. Both playing surfaces are uneven, filled with a mixture of grass and weeds, and could be considered dangerous to athletes and children. The Town has a Westlake Academy fund for campus capital improvements with a balance of $3,234,378, of which $1,118,050 is specifically reserved for improvements to athletic facilities.
The staff originally requested that the Town assist the Foundation and the Donors in the rehabilitation of fields as described above in an amount not to exceed $500,000 which was approved by Council. The total ...
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